The Peninsula Panthers are a Junior Hockey Team in the Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League. The team joined the VIJHL in 1996, and during its tenure has won the Cyclone Taylor Cup, the Brent Patterson Memorial Trophy, and the Andy Hebenton Trophy. In 2024 the team was purchased by the Murphy Family just as the VIJHL entered a new era as an independent league. Located in scenic North Saanich, the Peninsula Panthers offers athletes an elite hockey program in one of the most beautiful places in British Columbia.



Our mission is to develop players personally and professionally. We are committed to fostering a quality, competitive, junior hockey program that will develop outstanding young men on and off the ice to be individuals who value integrity, sportsmanship, loyalty to their team and to their community, and a drive for excellence and personal growth. Our organization shares in these values and continuously strives to better our program, develop our players, and be an outstanding member in our community.



INTEGRITY: We develop our players as athletes and as human beings. A Peninsula Panther will be a person of integrity on and off the ice. 

COMMUNITY: Where we play is as important as how we play. We promise to be a valuable member of our community while giving our fans exciting, enjoyable, family-friendly game nights featuring the best hockey on the Island.

EXCELLENCE: In everything we do, we strive for continued betterment – in our coaching, our program, our playing, and our business. We continue to look for new ways to excel so we can provide the best program for our players and the best hockey for our community. 

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