Every year, new players come from all over Canada and the United States to play for the Peninsula Panthers. In order to host these non-local players, families on the Peninsula are needed to generously open their homes for the duration of the VIJHL hockey season, giving Panthers players a home away from home. Billet families offer the athlete a place to sleep, meals, and a supportive and positive environment for the player. Billeting can be a very excited and rewarding experience for all those willing to open their homes to a dedicated hockey player. 


  • WHAT IS A PANTHERS BILLET FAMILY? A billet family is a host family and a home away from home for a Peninsula Panthers player during the hockey season. A billet family agrees to welcome a player into their home, provide access to kitchens and meals as needed, and welcome the player into a healthy family environment.

  • HOW LONG WILL A BILLET FAMILY HOST A PLAYER? A typical hockey season is approximately 8 months (August – April). These dates can fluctuate.

  • WHAT IS EXPECTED OF A BILLET FAMILY? A billet family provides safe housing, access to the kitchen and meals, and a supportive, healthy family environment for a Peninsula Panthers player. Billet families are responsible for feeding players daily. Billet families are encouraged to come to games and cheer on their billet throughout the season.

  • WHAT IS EXPECTED OF A BILLET WHO IS STAYING WITH A BILLET FAMILY? A player who is billeting is expected to take part in daily household chores, mealtime, and to be a positive role model for other children in the household. A player is expected to respect the billet family and their household rules. A billet player is responsible for ensuring their own transportation to and from practice and games. If a player does not have a car, effort is made to place the player in a home with another player who does or within proximity of a team member with a car. Billet families will be provided with a copy of the detailed Player Responsibilities shared with and signed by the player.

  • WHAT ABOUT THE HOCKEY EQUIPMENT? Not to worry. The hockey equipment stays at the rink. 

  • DO BILLET FAMILIES GET COMPENSATED? The player’s family will pay the billet family $750 per month to help with the extra cost of utilities and groceries that comes with billeting a Peninsula Panthers player.

  • WHY SHOULD I BILLET A PENINSULA PANTHER? Billet families can build long-lasting relationships between themselves, their billet, and their billet’s family. The billet family can make a positive difference in the life of a player, someone who may be away from home for the first time in their life. Billet families also get free season ticket passes to all home Peninsula Panthers games and join a tight-knit community of Peninsula Panthers volunteers.

Billet families are valued members of the Panther Community. If you are interested in supporting a Peninsula Panthers player by opening up your home to them as a billet family, please email Business Operations Manager, Sonja Stubban at [email protected].

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